Sunday, January 21, 2007

Youth Group This Week!

Come dressed as your favourtie rockstar because it's time to go crazy! Rock out and have tons of fun. Bring a friend.

Guest Speaker: Melissa Thompson
Being a world changer and other New Zealand reflections.
A Great Story my friend Abbie wrote...

Last Saturday night I went sledding with some friends, and let me just first mention it was kind of my idea to this was not the type of sledding that this North Carolina gal is used to, it was whistler sledding which consisted of stealth names of certain James Bond sleds and little quick blue saucers. I took one of those saucers and hiked up the side of a mountain(not a hill but a mountain.)As I was walking up this mountain I realized the higher I went that this was not just a little sledding endeavour it was going to be something I was not prepared for mentally. For those that don't know me, you must know that I am a huge wimp when it comes to outdoor sports and adventure, and to be honest I am completely okay with it! As I got to the top of this trek, I turned around and noticed that i was really high up and I couldn't see how steep the hill really was since it was late at night. All of a sudden as I sat down I realized there was absolutely no way, that I was going to go down this snowy giant on my little blue saucer. I was determined to try and walk back down or gently slide down on my bum. The crew that was with me took there turns whizzing down the mountain and I just sat there paralyzed and laughing at myself. I knew there was absolutely no way I was going down on a sled or even on my feet! Having great friends that I do, within minutes I was accompanied by some fellow sledders who encouraged me to go down. In all their encouragement and probing I was set as stone and would not move. One of the guys finally convinced me to jump on the back of his James Bond sled and go down the mountain, so with much hesitation and humiliation I jumped on and took my own turn down to the bottom. As I got off the sled I heard these words come out of my mouth..."Thanks for rescuing me!" I heard those words all week after the sledding escapade. I realized the symbolism in this little night adventure...
So many times I climb up some mountain or project, or heart journey with confidence and a bit of pride and when i get to the top, I am paralyzed with fear and realized I have bitten off more than I can chew. In his goodness and love, God treks up right beside me and rescues me from my own inability to move on. His rescuing comes through people and situations, and in the midst of it, i realize how desperate I am to be rescued. To admit my weakness, failures, to be vulnerable and to allow others and or God to carry me to the destination.

In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge;
Let me never be ashamed;
In Your righteousness deliver me.
Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly;
Be to me a rock of strength,
A stronghold to save me.
For You are my rock and my fortress;
For Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me
Psalm 31:1-3
This is a a new place for us to check out what's up. Here are some photos from last year. You can expect more in coming weeks...

Shannon after an all-you can eat banana split contest.

Ruby and her log during the year end camping trip. Good times!

Shine Youth Retreat! It was awesome!