Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday Devotion: Hang Time with God!

Hey Guys..I was encouraged by our discussion about quiet time and hanging with God. So as promised here is the first devotional for this week. I'll post a new one everyday! Give me comments and let me know how it's going during the week.

Priority #1"
By Caty Hiday

Stacie is back in school, which means back to Deven. Stacie and Deven have been dating for about 3 years now, and they are really serious about each other. Over the summer Stacie hated the time away from Deven. She called Deven every day at 2:00pm because she couldn't see him. Deven didn't mind because he loves her. That Wednesday Stacie goes to youth group mainly to see Deven. What Stacie doesn't know is that Deven has to work late and won't make it to youth. Their Youth Pastor starts his lesson on priorities. 'What comes first in you life?' he questions. Stacie, who isn't paying attention, is daydreaming about the next time she will get to see Deven.

Push for Priority #1

What is priority #1? God'Duh. In everyday life we have so much going on that it's hard to keep God priority #1. Once school starts it will be even harder. Between the big test on Friday and cramming at the last minute. How could we possibly keep God at the forefront of our minds? Prayer and reading the Bible. Before cramming for that test or before going on that big date, pray. It doesn't have to be a big long prayer it can just be a whispered "thank you" or "help me". So I encourage you today to push for priority #1.

What does the Bible say about this?

"Decide today whom you will obey'As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord." - Joshua 24:15

"He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern." - Matthew 6:33

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