When: May 25-26
Meet at 1466 Olive Street @ 5:15 PM on Friday May 25
We will be coming back at 12:00 PM on Saturday, May 26
What: We are having our year end camp out at Strawberry Point. Expect lots of fun games, smores, hot dogs and fun in creation.
Who: Youth of Junior High and Senior High Ages
What to Bring:
$5 for food expenses
bug repellant
sleeping bag
sleeping pad
running shoes
warm clothes ( long pants and long shirt)
rain gear
swim gear if you dare
Tent if you have one
Please call Kim at 604-966-8189 for more information or to RSVP.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Murder Mystery Night!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
What it Takes

Bible reading: Galatians 5:16-22 When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23a, NLT).
Here’s a quick little test for you. See if you can match up the trees listed in the column on the left with the fruits those trees bear in the column on the right:
apple tree
orange tree
oak tree
banana tree
pear tree
peach tree
hickory tree
walnut tree
cherry tree
pineapple tree
pecan tree
mulberry tree
hickory nuts
Pretty dumb test, huh? Too easy, right? The only answer that wasn’t totally obvious was acorns, which come from oak trees, right? After all, everybody knows that apples come from apple trees, and walnuts come from walnut trees.
Making right choices works the same way.
No matter how hard it tries, a cherry tree could never produce apples. No matter how much it wanted to, a pecan tree couldn’t squeeze out a single banana. Why not? Because they don’t have what it takes.
Well, because we are not perfect, none of us humans can make right choices all the time. Some days it seems like we can’t even make right choices at all! Why not? Because we don’t have what it takes to produce that kind of fruit--not by ourselves, at least. We might as well try to squeeze a pineapple out our ears!
So, does that mean we should just give up?
No, but it does mean that the only way we can consistently make right choices is through the Spirit of Christ living in us. His Spirit lives in everyone who has trusted Christ for salvation, and it is only by relying on Him every day--through prayer and Bible reading--that we can consistently make right choices. In fact, you might say that making right choices is the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces in our lives when we trust God day by day.
Review: The Holy Spirit lives in you, if you have trusted Christ for salvation, and He will produce good fruit in your life as you begin each day with prayer, give Him control of your day, and seek His help in making right choices all day long.
Reflect: What kind of choices have you been making recently? Have they been sort of prickly, like a pineapple? Nutty, like an acorn? Sweet, like a cherry? Sour, like a crabapple? Something else? What kind of choices do you want to make from now on (with the Spirit’s help)?
Reinforce: Try making a simple song or poem out of Galatians 5:22 and 23.
Remember: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23a, NIV).
Monday, February 19, 2007
Are you part of a prayer team?

One more powerful story from the Super Bowl...
MIAMI — Suddenly, in the middle of the celebration that had the locker room buzzing after the Indianapolis Colts' Super Bowl XLI victory, Tony Dungy had an announcement.
They were not leaving Dolphin Stadium without one more piece of business. A prayer.
Dungy had the TV cameras in the room shut off. The interviews with maybe a dozen reporters still lingering stopped. The pictures players were snapping of each other holding the Lombardi Trophy needed to wait.
"Wait a minute, Coach. Some guys are in the showers," someone yelled from the back of the pack as players made their way to the center of the room.
A few seconds later, Bob Sanders and a couple of others emerged wearing towels.
Then it was so quiet the proverbial pin drop could be heard.
Dungy prayed.
With the team's chaplain by his side, the Colts coach gave thanks for the players' health, expressed joy that the team stayed together through adversity.
Holding hands, the team joined him in unison to recite The Lord's Prayer.
"Like we've done all year, we just fought, hung tough and everybody did their job," Dungy told his players. "And when everybody does their job, it's a beautiful thing to watch. We're champions. We brought it back to Indianapolis. And we're going to party tonight. We've got some days off. We'll see you tonight at the hotel. Great job."
photo & story courtesy usatoday.com/sports, 02/05/07
God's Story
Ephesians 6:18
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
What does today's God's Story scripture teach us about prayer?
Championships are won with great coaching and teamwork! In the past two weeks, we have heard how the Colts totally trusted Coach Dungy and talked to him to get instructions and encouragement, especially when facing adversity.
In today's verse, Paul is making sure we understand how important prayer is for any of us who are followers of Jesus Christ. He is our coach. If we are to experience victory in our lives when facing temptations, tough times and attacks from Satan, we must talk to Jesus for instructions and encouragement.
Paul says we should pray at all times. One way to do this is to remember that the Holy Spirit is with you all the time, waiting to lead and empower you. Have the attitude that you're hanging out together, ready to talk or listen anytime.
Now don't miss this - Paul says that believers should be persistent in praying for each other! If we all did this, picture our team victories!
Jesus is ready to lead us to victory!
My Story
How can we connect today's God's Story scripture to our lives?
Thank God for His Holy Spirit. Thank Jesus for being your ultimate coach as you strive to live a victorious Christian life! Express your desire and need to talk with Him about anything and everything. Tell Him what's on your mind right now....listen.
Memorize today's verse as a reminder to "talk to the coach".
Read Acts 2:42-47 to get another powerful story on the importance of Christ's followers praying together.
If you are not part of a small group of believers who pray together regularly, form your own prayer team. This might be at your school, through your church youth group or in your neighborhood.
Their Story
How can we connect today's story, God's Story scripture and our story to others?
Pray together once a week with a group of Christ followers. Share your lives, your hopes and fears, and the purpose of connecting your stories and God's Story to others in your part of the world.
For the next month, every time you see an athletic event - live or on TV - talk to THE COACH for a minute and listen.
About Daily Devos
God's Story is brought to you by Youth for Christ.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday Devotional: Say it, Show It
Say It, Show It
Bible reading: 1 John 3:18-20 Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions. It is by our actions that we know we are living in the truth (1 John 3:18-19a, NLT).
Would you believe a person who claimed to be a famous race car driver, but couldn’t back his car out of his garage?
Would you believe a person who told you she was a trapeze artist in a world-famous circus, but was afraid to climb a ladder to change a light bulb?
Would you believe a person who claimed to be the world’s greatest psychic, and then asked you what time it was?
Probably not, right? Why not? Because their actions don’t support their claims.
It’s no different when people say they love someone else, but don’t show it by their actions. Such claims are hard to believe because there’s no evidence to support their claims.
You see, it’s one thing to talk about love, to say we love each other. It’s something else entirely to really show we love each other by our actions. For example, you might say you love everybody in your church youth group, but are you willing to sit next to Valerie, the girl with the greasy hair who always smells like some disgusting animal curled up inside her and died. . . . months ago? You might say you love others, but when’s the last time you did something to help Mrs. McCready, the old lady who looks like she’s about three hundred years old and who lives alone down the street and has to shovel the snow off her sidewalk and mow the lawn herself? You might say you love pretty much everybody, but how long has it been since you showed your love for someone else, with your actions, and not only with words?
“It is by our actions,” the Apostle John said, “that we show we are living in the truth.” Do your actions show your love for others?
Review: Today’s Scripture reading doesn’t say that we should stop saying “I love you” to our parents, siblings, friends, and others we love; it says we should “stop just saying we love each other.” In other words, we should say it and show it.
Reflect: Is there someone who needs to be convinced of your love? Is there someone who needs to be reminded of your love? How can you do a better job of showing your love to others?
Reinforce: Suggest a family “project” to your parents to show God’s love to someone outside your family (bake cookies for a shut-in, take the family pet to visit nursing home patients, send a card to a prisoner, babysit for a single parent, shovel snow for an elderly couple, etc.).
Remember: “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God” (1 John 4:7, NLT).
Bible reading: 1 John 3:18-20 Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions. It is by our actions that we know we are living in the truth (1 John 3:18-19a, NLT).
Would you believe a person who claimed to be a famous race car driver, but couldn’t back his car out of his garage?
Would you believe a person who told you she was a trapeze artist in a world-famous circus, but was afraid to climb a ladder to change a light bulb?
Would you believe a person who claimed to be the world’s greatest psychic, and then asked you what time it was?
Probably not, right? Why not? Because their actions don’t support their claims.
It’s no different when people say they love someone else, but don’t show it by their actions. Such claims are hard to believe because there’s no evidence to support their claims.
You see, it’s one thing to talk about love, to say we love each other. It’s something else entirely to really show we love each other by our actions. For example, you might say you love everybody in your church youth group, but are you willing to sit next to Valerie, the girl with the greasy hair who always smells like some disgusting animal curled up inside her and died. . . . months ago? You might say you love others, but when’s the last time you did something to help Mrs. McCready, the old lady who looks like she’s about three hundred years old and who lives alone down the street and has to shovel the snow off her sidewalk and mow the lawn herself? You might say you love pretty much everybody, but how long has it been since you showed your love for someone else, with your actions, and not only with words?
“It is by our actions,” the Apostle John said, “that we show we are living in the truth.” Do your actions show your love for others?
Review: Today’s Scripture reading doesn’t say that we should stop saying “I love you” to our parents, siblings, friends, and others we love; it says we should “stop just saying we love each other.” In other words, we should say it and show it.
Reflect: Is there someone who needs to be convinced of your love? Is there someone who needs to be reminded of your love? How can you do a better job of showing your love to others?
Reinforce: Suggest a family “project” to your parents to show God’s love to someone outside your family (bake cookies for a shut-in, take the family pet to visit nursing home patients, send a card to a prisoner, babysit for a single parent, shovel snow for an elderly couple, etc.).
Remember: “Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God” (1 John 4:7, NLT).
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Wednesday Devotional: The Difference Love Makes
Bible reading: 2 Peter 1:5-11 Godliness leads to love for other Christians, and finally you will grow to have genuine love for everyone. The more you grow like this, the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:7-8, NLT).
Early in World War II, as Paris was being bombed mercilessly by Nazi planes, a French doctor named Rene Spitz made a remarkable discovery. He was appalled by the high death rate among babies in shelters and orphanages. Upon closer examination, he discovered that babies who received regular affection fared better than others. Intrigued, he conducted a brief experiment, dividing the babies into two groups. Both groups of infants were cared for physically; they were fed identical diets, bathed regularly, and their diapers were changed at regular intervals. There was only one difference between the two groups. One group of babies received hugs and kisses from their caretakers; they were cradled and held and rocked and patted. The other group received no affection from their caretakers, but were cared for and provided for in every other way.
You can probably guess what happened. The babies who were cuddled and loved not only grew, but thrived. The other group, who had all their needs met except their need for love and affection, did not grow as fast; they cried more and succumbed to more illnesses than the opposite group. Their development was measurably stunted until the study was discontinued.
Those two groups of babies were different only in the amount of love and affection they received. But what a difference that made in their health and development! The study revealed that children who are not treated with affection do not develop properly, even though they may be wellnourished otherwise. It also shows how much human beings need to receive and give love in order to thrive.
That need doesn’t change as we get older. Neither does the effect of love on a person’s life. Obeying God’s commands to love others can bring you love in return, and that can actually make you healthier and happier. Obeying God’s commands to love one another can help you become more productive and useful in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Obeying God’s commands to love others can make a huge difference in your health and development. That’s just part of the difference love makes. . . in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Review: Today’s Scripture reading says that godliness will lead to love for other Christians, and then to an even wider kind of love. What is that wider love? Do you think it happens overnight? How do you think it happens?
Reflect: How have you been blessed (made happier and healthier) by the love of others? How have you been blessed by loving others? How have others been blessed by your love?
Reinforce: 2 Peter 1:7-8 could be drawn as a kind of map, with “Godliness” being the name of a main road that leads to other roads whose names are suggested by the reading. Draw a map and put it on your dresser, desk, or mirror, to help you remember the value of love in your life.
Remember: “The more you grow [in love], the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:7-8, NLT).
Early in World War II, as Paris was being bombed mercilessly by Nazi planes, a French doctor named Rene Spitz made a remarkable discovery. He was appalled by the high death rate among babies in shelters and orphanages. Upon closer examination, he discovered that babies who received regular affection fared better than others. Intrigued, he conducted a brief experiment, dividing the babies into two groups. Both groups of infants were cared for physically; they were fed identical diets, bathed regularly, and their diapers were changed at regular intervals. There was only one difference between the two groups. One group of babies received hugs and kisses from their caretakers; they were cradled and held and rocked and patted. The other group received no affection from their caretakers, but were cared for and provided for in every other way.
You can probably guess what happened. The babies who were cuddled and loved not only grew, but thrived. The other group, who had all their needs met except their need for love and affection, did not grow as fast; they cried more and succumbed to more illnesses than the opposite group. Their development was measurably stunted until the study was discontinued.
Those two groups of babies were different only in the amount of love and affection they received. But what a difference that made in their health and development! The study revealed that children who are not treated with affection do not develop properly, even though they may be wellnourished otherwise. It also shows how much human beings need to receive and give love in order to thrive.
That need doesn’t change as we get older. Neither does the effect of love on a person’s life. Obeying God’s commands to love others can bring you love in return, and that can actually make you healthier and happier. Obeying God’s commands to love one another can help you become more productive and useful in your knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Obeying God’s commands to love others can make a huge difference in your health and development. That’s just part of the difference love makes. . . in your life and in the lives of those around you.
Review: Today’s Scripture reading says that godliness will lead to love for other Christians, and then to an even wider kind of love. What is that wider love? Do you think it happens overnight? How do you think it happens?
Reflect: How have you been blessed (made happier and healthier) by the love of others? How have you been blessed by loving others? How have others been blessed by your love?
Reinforce: 2 Peter 1:7-8 could be drawn as a kind of map, with “Godliness” being the name of a main road that leads to other roads whose names are suggested by the reading. Draw a map and put it on your dresser, desk, or mirror, to help you remember the value of love in your life.
Remember: “The more you grow [in love], the more you will become productive and useful in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:7-8, NLT).
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Potluck Picnic!
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